boom (GitHub) is

A 2-player battle game made for Ludum Dare 28 (December 2013), for the theme you only get one.

The game goes like this, two players, each has many fake mine and one possibly real mine, but you never know if you get the real real mine until the detonation of the possibly real mine.

It can be played with keyboard or Xbox 360 controllers and it has sound.

You lay as many mines as you like, and hope your opponent will come close near the possibly real mine and you detonate the mines. If its real, you win. If its not, you can still play cool since your opponent has not yet deploy the real mine and still doesnt know that is a real deal. If your opponent detonates the real mine and doesnt blow you up, then you are the winner.

Its a fun game.

boom was created on 2013-12-13 by Joseph Lansdowne, written in Python 2/3 and C with Pygame under the GPLv3, currently git-a0fb8ac (2014-01-18).